Sunday, February 26, 2012


Our homes are full of plastic, and the kitchen is no exception. The problem: Chemicals in plastic containers and other kitchenware may leach into the foods or drinks that they're holding. Scientific evidence suggests that some of these chemicals may be harmful to people, especially infants and children.
Here are six simple tips for reducing your exposure to the potentially harmful chemicals in plastics.

1. Know the code. Look on the bottom of your plastic to find the recycling symbol (a number between 1 and 7 enclosed in a triangle of arrows). The code indicates the type of plastic you are using and can give you important clues about safety. "We generally say 1, 2, 4 and 5 are considered to be the safest," says Sonya Lunder, senior analyst at the Environmental Working Group. Try to avoid using plastics with 3 or 6, as these leach chemicals that may be harmful. Number 7 is an "other" category that includes BPA-containing plastics called polycarbonates. These plastics, which you should avoid, will have the letters PC printed underneath the 7.

2. Reconsider the microwave. Heat can increase the rate at which chemicals like BPA leach from plastic. Containers labeled "microwave safe" have been tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and found to leach extremely small amounts, which the FDA has determined to be safe. However, some experts advise people to keep plastic out of the microwave altogether. "I don't microwave anything in plastic," says Lunder. "It's really easy and fast to put my food into a ceramic or glass container and heat it that way." And never put plastic wrap on top of your food in the microwave, since it can melt. Use wax paper or a paper towel instead.

3. Use it for its intended purpose. Plastics that are designed for single use should only be used once. "Plastic breaks down over time," Lunder explains. "Some aren't designed to withstand heating and cooling." Most plastics with recycling code number 1 are intended for single use, such as disposable water bottles. And that takeout container from six months ago? Toss it. In general they're fine for refrigerating leftovers, but aren't designed for heat exposure or long-term use.

4. Wash by hand. Only put plastics into the dishwasher if they have a dishwasher safe label. If you want to be extra-cautious, wash all plastics by hand or use only glass and ceramic plates and dishes. In the dishwasher, plastics are exposed to detergents and heat, which may accelerate the leaching of BPA from food containers.

5. Do not freeze. Only put plastics in the freezer if they have a freezer-safe label. Freezer temperatures can cause plastics to deteriorate, which increases the leaching of chemicals into the food when you take containers out of the freezer to thaw or reheat.

6. Don't panic. Cutting down on exposure to potentially harmful chemicals in plastics can benefit your health. But as Dr. Halden reminds us, "Many things in your life pose a much higher risk than exposure to plastics, such as smoking, poor diet and even driving a car." Therefore do not panic.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

HOW Styrofoam is Bad for the Environment

Have you ever wondered how Styrofoam is bad for the environment?
Most people have heard it said that this material does detrimental things to the planet, but very few people actually understand what it is that Styrofoam does and how it harms the environment. This article will explain the impact Styrofoam has on the planet and will suggest things you can do to help minimize the damage caused by this material

A Brief History of Styrofoam
The word Styrofoam is actually a trademarked term for a particular brand of extruded polystyrene foam manufactured by Dow Chemicals. Styrofoam was originally considered a miracle material with multiple purposes when it was invented in the early 1940s. It was said to have superior insulating and buoyancy qualities that made it an extremely versatile product. More information on the history of Styrofoam can be found on the Dow website. This blue material is commonly used in building and should not be confused with food packaging. The name 'Styrofoam' is well known, however it is sometimes used incorrectly. Much like Xerox became synonymous for all copier machines after the success of the initial Xerox copier, Styrofoam has became a term that is often incorrectly applied to all extruded polystyrene foam materials. Material that is not Styrofoam should be referred to as foam.

Understanding How Styrofoam is Bad for the Environment
Looking back at all these positives, it appears that Styrofoam was a material that was too good to be true. Much like DDT (which was originally heralded as a miracle pesticide until it was eventually proven to be non-water soluble and would build up to toxic levels in underground water tables) Styrofoam has its own dark secrets that took many years to discover.

Problems With Styrofoam
·           Non-Biodegradable – Styrofoam appears to last forever, as it is resistant to photolysis or the breaking down of materials by protons originating from a light source. This fact, combined with the fact that Styrofoam is lightweight and floats, means that over time a great deal of Styrofoam has accumulated along coasts and waterways around the world. It is now considered the main component of marine debris.
·           Not-Usually Recycled – Many municipal recycling programs do not recycle Styrofoam because it is virtually weightless which makes it worthless as scrap. The same lightweight property of the material makes collecting it difficult, because even light winds can send it blowing great distances.
·           HFCs – Styrofoam is manufactured by using HFCs, or hydrofluorocarbons, which have negative impacts on the ozone layer and global warming. HFCs are less detrimental to the ozone than CFCs, which they replaced in the manufacturing of Styrofoam, but it is thought that the impact of HFCs on global warming is much more serious.
Flame Retardants – The brominated flame retardants that are used on Styrofoam are also causing concern, and some research suggests that these chemicals might have negative environmental and health effects