Thursday, June 6, 2013

What is GOING GREEN all about ?

Good Day to all of you..

Well , 5th June is World Environment Day so thought of writing something on the whole concept of Going Green.

As many of you are aware, this whole thing of "Going Green" has been there for the past couple of years, but I must say the European countries are way ahead Asia in this.

We have so many awareness campaign around, so many efforts and so many statistics and datas on how bad the situations are when comes to nature.We  know about the increasing carbon footprint we are creating,about the continues wastage that we are creating and countless trees that we are cutting down for our own selfishness and we are somehow comfortable with the fact that there is always 'someone','somewhere' who will do 'something' about it...

For the past couple of years, especially in Malaysia, we have seen a loud cry on Going Green and etc but many still see Going Green as a 'one off' event..i would like to re-emphasize that not all but still 'many' see Going Green as an event.These event based activities will help to create the awareness but without a proper 'continues' initiative, this 'Green heat'  created by an event will slowly die off.

As for me Going Green is not that complicated, its all about little effort that we take on an 'individual' basis 'DAILY' to save mother nature.Its all about being conscious of what we do...simple things like :

  • Switching off your lights when its not used (which I'm still struggling to improve)
  • Turn of the tap,when its not used
  • Throwing rubbish in the waste paper basket

There are more but i would like to pick on the above as those are the activities that we are involved directly on a daily basis.
Remember..'Every baby step counts'

Just by doing a Go Green campaign once a year is not going to help much.We have to ask ourselves ,
"What are we doing as an individual to save mother nature"

I think its high time for us to take individual responsibility on mother nature.

Remember one thing : Mother nature don't really need us..WE NEED MOTHER NATURE !

Going Green is all about "Changing our lifestyle", as I mentioned above, simple thing counts..
Being cautious about your actions
Use anything and everything MODERATELY
Take/consume only what you need
Think twice before wasting
Think of the tagline "REDUCE,REUSE & RECYCLE"
Car pool its possible or take public transport.
Don't use STYROFOAM...get reusable containers
and many more

All the above are not rocket science data's, its just 'BEHAVIORAL CHANGE'...All we need is the CHANGE in our mindset...

If you, as an individual practice 'simple green living' lifestyle, the people around you will watch you and slowly they will tend to follow you and this effect will multiply by itself.My simple policy is:
We have to CHANGE OURSELVES before changing others..It all starts from ourselves ! We sometimes focus to much on the outside rather than inside.So folks, please be mindful in what you do because "Every action has an 'Equal' reaction"

We have to be in a position to "feel" mother nature..& LOVE mother nature with all our heart..
LOVE is a beautiful feeling and emotion...
We have to start seeing & feel mother nature as our 'OWN MOTHER'
We have to start seeing & feel a plant as our "OWN CHILD"
Its makes whole lot of difference..

LOVE is all about 'FEELINGS & EMOTIONS' 
You have to express & experience it.....

I would like to highlight a beautiful fact about mother nature here..
All of us or at-least majority of us would love to live the life of ABUNDANCE..

So sometimes, in order to achieve all these, we tend to fall in a 'rat race' where nothing else is important than our achievements
We compete in everything.....
We want to be the best in everything..
We talk too much..we think too little
We feel too less and we listen too less
We are more engaged with our Mobiles, Tablets, I-pads than our loved ones who are right in front of us (which Im still improving)
We are busy updating Facebook status but we fail to give a smile or start a conversation with the people next to  us...

So now the question is, WHERE do you experience your "LIFE"
Some might say "We experience it in our hearts..soul"...ok can only experience all the happiness,health and wealth when your soul is still in your body right?
Meaning can only experience all the above when you are ALIVE that we are "ALIVE" where do we actually LIVE
We LIVE on the "EARTH" correct ??
So basically we experience LIFE on EARTH :-)
So if there is NO earth..there is NO WORLD..basically there is NOTHING
So "EARTH" is 'thy' MOTHER NATURE we are talking about here...
I can fairly say that only because of EARTH and the GRAVITY force through earth..we are happily experiencing everything..if not for gravity force..all of us will be floating !

So basically, MOTHER NATURE or EARTH has created a platform for US... HUMAN BEINGS to experience experience experience WEALTH and the list goes on..

Now my next question is WHERE IS THIS "EARTH" ?

Think...think carefully.......

Dear brothers & sisters,
We are actually STANDING ON 'THY' EARTH...
EARTH is actually UNDER OUR FEET !!! YES...This whole BIG MIGHTY EARTH is right under our feet !!!
MOTHER NATURE..who gives us everything is basically under our feet !!!
That shows HOW HUMBLE mother nature is..
That shows HOW GIVING mother nature is..
That shows HOW PATIENT mother nature is...

It might sound crazy....illogical but if you think carefully beyond your body will understand it...

So the question is 

Think about it guys and take 'small' 'simple' decision TODAY..Yes not tomorrow but this 'small' decision of yours will give a great impact to the society..later

BELOW are some links that could help you have better understanding on Going Green..Well,I just 'googled' it.. :-P

What ever information you ever need, is there..the question is "What are we doing with it?"


As per my opinion,we can overcome all the above issue IF WE USE THE RESOURCES all relies on  "INDIVIDUAL ACTION"..TO USE THE RESOURCES MODERATELY

INDIVIDUAL'S action > DISTRICT's transformation > STATE'S transformation > NATION's transformation...



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