Monday, March 18, 2013

How did I attract my JOB

Sounds like an interesting topic rite! Well it IS !!!
Its all started when I lost my job in one of the American MNC company which I was working 2 years back.The company was sold of to the competitor and we were layed out from our jobs.I was in this company for 2.5 years so basically I received compensation money which will lasted me for 3 months.

Well this was my first experience of being layed of from my job.As much as I was exited to received the compensation money , i was also nervous as in what's going happen after 3 months as I have a family to feed and bills to pay.What will happen IF I don't get a job within 3 months ?So here comes the whole 'mind' thing in place.

By the grace of GOD or DIVINE PROVIDENCE, this was the time I got exposed to the whole "SECRET movie" thingy.So I was into the whole "think positive" stuff and etc.For some reason the one thing I was very clear about is "NOT TO ACT THE SAME WAY AS HOW THE NORMAL PEOPLE WILL REACT"when they are jobless. Meaning is I decided to react on this 'JOBLESS' scenario in acompletely contradicting way against the 'norms'.So basically when some one is jobless, they will think about every single penny that they spend because it might not be enough for tomorrow (future) Smart thinking but it didn't impress me.I did completely the opposite.I donated a big chunk of my compensation money to charity.A crazy move but made me feel like a millionaire when I had none :-P 
To be frank, I donated the most money for charity when I was JOBLESS !!!! Strange isn't it ?? But ya..that's the truth.So with that mindset somehow I overcome the fear of  "not enough" and started to live the life of "ABUNDANCE".You see, the actual fact is I have money for the next 3 months but normally what we will do?? We tend to worry of what's going to happen AFTER the 3 months and that's where the whole 'FEAR GAME' starts.

I basically didn't let my mind to wonder much.Instead, I was watching to a lot of motivational & inspiration video.In a normal circumstances,what will a jobless person do?He/She will be busy buying newspapers to check out job vacancies, go for headhunters, register in all the 'Job Search' services and basically spend 200% for job hunting.I was very serious with my principle of ONLY DOING CONTRADICTING stuff so I only spend about 30% of my time hunting for jobs.I didn't go after any head hunters nor I wend job hunting drastically.I did apply for job but not all day long.Basically I was more focused on 'myself'.I meditated a lot & I watched a lot for inspirational video just to keep the "HOPE" in me going.I realize that, when you tend to focus on positive stuffs which give you the feeling of 'HOPE', somehow you will 'forget' about the fear in you.The fear feeling of not getting the job, the fear feeling of not able to fulfill my end needs and etc.These exercise of watching You tube helped me a lot from disconnecting from the negative thoughts and engage to the positive thoughts.I guess its all about keeping your mind busy with something positive stuff.Some of the video's that I watched is :




I guess this is the right time to define where you want to be in future.The pain of 'current' scenario can be a great seed to 'DEFINE' how you want your future to be but most of the time we don't do that.We keep focusing on our current scenario.If you are broke currently, you will definitely know the pain and the frustration of being broke so most of the time we will end up in a "WHY ME?" syndrome where we keep questing our current reality.When you are in this 'WHY ME' syndrome definitely we will have a strong 'negative' emotions tied to it and the end result would be, we will attract more of this sympathetic scenario in our lives.There is this "Other area" that many of us don't focus on.The area of "HOPE".As much as we can worry of the current scenario, we can also think or imagine of HOW your life would be if you are completely in the 'opposite' scenario.Its just a matter of CHOICE.A 'choice' of looking into the positive side rather than the negative side.So what I did was I used this jobless time to build my VISION BOARD.Ya I actually build my 'Vision Board' when I was jobless! I put my thoughts on HOW my life will be in future rather than putting my thought on me being jobless and etc.So its all about putting your thoughts on the positive side.When you have a strong HOPE of the future, internally you will feel good and the feeling that you have internally will somehow attracts the positiveness in your life.I was actually thinking of the kind of job I wanted to have, the position, the working attire, the travels and all those good stuff I wanted to have.Not only I build my vision board, but I actually 'VISUALIZING' it as if it was real.During this time, somehow I got exposed to this thing called "Napolean Hills' Invisible Counselors Technic" and that took my visualization to the next level.

Napolean Hills' Invisible Counselors Technic

When you are in a helpless position, there will be a lot of people around who will try to help you.Most them will try to help you by sharing their experience and indirectly impose 'their' best practices on you,which is OK in some sense, as they are trying to help.But there will be some people who will just come in your life to give 'free' advice and make you feel like shit !! You get what I mean...these people will just come with a big smile, pour everything and at the end of the day, they will make you feel like shit and take your 'smile' away.My only advice....Screw all these people, you definitely don't need them in your life.When I say 'Screw' them, i didn't mean screw them verbally or physically !!! What I mean is 'Screw' their THOUGHTS...'Screw' their 'THEORY' and 'SCREW' their BELIEVE SYSTEM.Guys, the point here is,other peoples experience don't have to be your reality.You get what I mean..if someone has done something for the past 10 years,may be successful in it, that doesn't have to be the only way of success, you might discover some other way.You define your own success.All you have to do is listen to your voice within and just follow it undoubtedly.Well my story on this chapter goes like this.It was already 2 months and I'm still jobless,I've applying for job, attending interviews and etc but nothing seems to work yet.During this time, I was involved in my favorite social service activity which is called CCC (Community Cleaning Club).Its an activity to create environmental awareness and raise environmental consciousness among the public,mainly focus on cleanliness.Basically what we do is, we get down to the streets and PICK UP RUBBISH !!!! Its a dirty job but for me, there is so much of 'spiritual' element in it and it was so 'BLISSFUL' doing it.The point here is I was doing what I love doing the most, which had the 'heart' element all around it.But being 'Jobless' and 'Picking up Rubbish' was NOT at all a good combination for a successful person,in the eye of the public.Each time when I get down to the ground to do CCC with garbage bags in my hand, some will really adore me and appreciate me but some will give me a pathetic & a sympathetic look,which will make you feel like shit but again, my only 'motto' that time was "SCREW PEOPLES THOUGHT" 
I was in some sort of a 'defensive' mode where I never bothered what people think about me and what's going to happen tomorrow.All I wanted to do is be in a state of 'flow' where you can be happy & feel the divine in the 'inside'

Link to CCC activities and details

So here comes the most painful cum strengthening moment.One fine day, one the 'elders' in my family called me and my wife to his office.The scenario is like this, he was sitting in front of me and me & my wife was sitting side by side, facing him.He asked me, how is the progress of getting the job and etc but obviously my answer was negative as till that date I went for couple of interviews but I didn't get a job yet.He pulled out a paper and started advising me.He drew "Maslow's Theory" chart and started advising me.He said firstly we need to secure our Physical need (food,health and etc) then we have secure our SECURITY needs (shelter,safety and stability) then only comes SOCIAL needs (social service and etc)..then he stopped there for a moment and looked at me.I was wondering why is he telling me all this which I actually know..only after few minutes, I realized that he was actually picking on my 'social service' activity which is 'CCC = Picking up rubbish'.
So what he is trying to say is, "Dude..Get a job first, get a constant income,then you focus on CHARITY".Well these are my words but this is exactly what he wanted to portray to me.It was quite an embarrassing moment for me, I could not look into his eye and it seems like I was on the 'losing' side.My heads were down but my 'thoughts' were up high.I was telling in my heart "GOD, you have to do something about it, I'm not doing anything wrong"..Quite a painful moment but again I was back into my 'motto', "SCREW PEOPLE'S THOUGHTS" So in this case it was "SCREW MASLOV'S THEORY"
I was very clear that I won't stop doing charity or social service.Many think that we should establish ourselves first, only after that we should involve in charity or social service.That's completely a BULLSHIT !!
This so called "establishing" ourselves is a never ending story.Our desires will never end and that's the fact.So my simple argument is, if you don't do social service NOW you will never do it when you are THERE (ESTABLISHED) because once you are so called 'Established' you will have more things to do...different priorities and etc.So its NOW or NEVER !!!!

Although this topics ties to the VISION BOARD which I mentioned earlier, I would like to talk about it at the last part as this is where the actually story of materialization took place.I started to imagine myself getting the job I want.I started to visualize the details as in what Shirts I will wear to office, HOW does my office room look like and etc.So its pretty much diving into 'details'.So I attended couple of interview and there was this one interview which I strongly felt I will get the job.Let me just name it as company X.Its a well know "MNC" company.So, after the second interview, I asked the Director "What is the post that you are going to offer? " He said " We have create one NOW...Its going to be a regional role but the HR will get back to you on this" So basically they are creating a post which didn't exist, for me, if I'm successful so I started diving into my visualization exercise more vigorously.
  I started to visualize as if the appointment letter is in front of me.I started to visualize the details in the appointment letter, which is the company logo, my designation and reporting date.These 3 details are very significant so please pay attention here.

Company logo
I imagines as if the company logo was on the left hand side of the appointment letter.

At that time, they didn't have any designation confirmed for me, so the designation which I imagine for myself was "SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGER"

Joint date
The joint date which I visualized on the appointment letter was 5TH JULY 2010.

So here comes the miracle of LAW OF ATTRACTION
After i guess 2 weeks I received a call from the HR telling that they are offering me the job.I was like "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS"....That didn't end there, the position that they are offering me is"APPLICATION SERVICE MANAGER" ,what I visualize what "SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGER" but what actually materialized is "APPLICATION SERVICE MANAGER"  so it was 75% of what I visualize..

And now comes the 'mind blowing' part.As I mentioned earlier, I visualize my joint date as 5th July 2010.But according to the HR, they want me to join on the 12th of July 2010.At this time round I completely forgot about the date of joint which I visualized on the appointment letter (5th July 2010) , obviously I was so happy that I got the job so the date of joint didn't really matter but the "UNIVERSE" see's every single thing.
ON 2nd of July 2010 (Friday), I received a call from the Director and he requested me to join early.He wanted me to join as early as next monday to take the handover, so without hesitating I said OK.Even at that time I didn't think of the date, but later in the evening, my wife told me that "You are going to join your new work on your lucky date".Only then I realized that I was actually going joint my new job on 5th JULY 2010, WHICH WAS ACTUALLY THE DATE I VISUALIZED !!!!!!!

That's AMAZING isn't it.This Law of Attraction stuff really works...

I would also like to highlight that it was NOT ONLY ABOUT Law of Attraction.There were also some divine souls who really helped me & recommended me to their company HR contacts so that I can get a job soon.I have to say that I got the job, not only because of the change in my mindset but also because of some good souls who helped me effortlessly.

I'm summary :


May GOD bless all the reader with abundance of LOVE,HAPPINESS, HEALTH & WEALTH


  1. Something I really needed to read as a strong and timely reminder. Thank you for reminding me to listen to my heart :)

  2. Thank you very much for this post. Mine is just one of the many hearts you have touched. God bless you and your family, Sai G.
