Our life is a journey.A journey of experience, a journey of learning, a journey full of emotions.So basically, every day is a new day with new experiences and new scenarios.Sometimes we will be in a scenario that makes us happy, pleased,overwhelmed and sometimes it will be completely the other way round.We might end up in a scenario that makes us sad, frustrated, jealous,angry and etc.All these are basically emotions which influences our 'day to day' experience.
So now, coming back to the title,"The Ball is always in our court".
As mentioned , we are experiencing all these emotion, whether its 'happy' or 'sad','anger' or 'peace' and more "because of something".There is basically a 'reason' behind why we are happy or sad, correct ? This so called 'reason' could be because of a simple praise from your boss or a loud nagging from your boss as well.Sounds familiar ?? The main point here which I would like to share is, we tend to always allow the 'external factors' to influence on HOW we feel internally.But a matter of fact , it doesn't have to be like that.
As per my simple example above (the office) scenario, in a normal scenario, we will get carried away by the praise of our boss rite but the question is HOW often does your boss praises you ? Praise is equivalent to appreciation, right ? Why can't we appreciate ourselves rather than waiting for someone else to appreciate us.Sound crazy, may be but the underlying principle which causes our emotions relies in US and not with someone else.When someone praises you, how would you feel ? You will feel good, feel positive and obviously you will feel happy.Now WHY you have to wait till someone praises you ? What's wrong in you appreciating your self ?
For example, you can start your day with GRATITUDE, think about all those things which you have, which you are happy about,example you can thank GOD for giving you wonderful family, friend, job, and etc.I personally start my day by thanking GOD for giving me a wonderful wife,kids,job and sometimes I go very details to thank GOD for giving me good health, good functioning organs,legs,hands and I will try pick on every simple magnitude thing that I can think of to THANK GOD.So this puts me in a positive vibration the whole day.
So now, as I mentioned in the title, "THE BALL IS ALWAYS IN YOUR COURT"
Now lets look into the negative scenario.Assuming someone has pissed you off or may be you just got scolding from your boss or may be you didn't get something that you expected.What would be your exact feeling ? I'm sure its more of a 'frustrated' feeling than 'happy' feeling,rite.So WHO is actually responsible for this feeling, is it the person outside there or is it you.In a normal way of thinking, immediately all the readers will say the 'the person outside' there is one who is responsible to screwing up your day.But in reality,you do have a choice to put your thought on the positive side.
Example 1 : Someone pissed you off
'Pissed off' means past tense right.The action is done and no way you can rewind back, rite so whats the point of thinking about it anyway.Assuming someone took your parking space in the morning, and you get pissed.If you bring those feeling to your office,what will happen, more damage will be created.But if you choose to stay calm, put your thought on a positive side by 'assuring' in your mind that you will get another parking spot,the total vibration or the internal feeling changes.The irony of you getting the parking space or not is a different story but the point here is to disconnect from the negative emotions and focus on the positive emotions.Assuring yourself of getting a parking lot is equivalent to creating a positive vision (getting a parking lot) of which makes your current scenario(parking taken by someone else) obsolete.Do you guys get what I mean ?
To overcome a problem, you must have a higher vision that makes the current problem OBSOLETE.This is from Vishen Lakiani from MINDVALLEY.
Of course its an embarrassing scenario.A scenario which questions your dedication & credibility at work.But 'scolded' mean past tense right.So its DONE, FINISH...by just thinking about it, crying over it is not going to change the scenario.All you have to do it,set a higher VISION to perform much better in future.In many cases, when we get scolding, we tend to go back to our colleague,complain,gossip and that's where things get worst.Why do you have to get a 'second opinion' on your scolding ?? Why do you have to share ? Instead of sharing, go to a place where no one disturbs you, my favorite is my company wash room :-P
Sit or stand, close your eye, go within, see what actually went wrong, identify it, learn from it and set a higher goal to improve it.Simple...all takes a few minutes only.Does it makes sense ?
Well in summary "THE BALL IS ALWAYS IN OUR COURT" Give it a though guys...
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