Tuesday, October 5, 2010

GREEN intro

HI Folks,

The main purpose of this blog to make everyone understand that GOD recites in them.We are all equal and we have the potential to create great impact in the society and that will only happen if you understand WHO YOU REALLY ARE and WHAT IS YOUR CALLING.

Mine is 'GO GREEN'....What is yours ?

There is a source that governs all of us.We call it in different names based on our culture,our believe system and also the knowledge that is imparted us.The bottom line is we are all ONE, we are all EQUAL and we are all created by the SAME SOURCE 

'LIFE' is pretty much the journey of understanding GOD within us.It is a process of discovery within you where the experience brings you ahead vocabulary,intellect and intelligence.Its process of 'letting GO', its a process of 'Allowing', its the process of 'Discovery',its a process of 'Knowing the unknown' and it is FOR YOU and ONLY YOU to "EXPERIENCE"

I'm sharing mine and I'm looking forward hear from you

Sai Ganeis
Website : www.saigmission.com
Blog : saigmission.blogspot.com
Email : saiganeis@saigmission.com / saiganeis@gmail.com
Contact : +60127105694

Sai Ganeis
Sai G Mission

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