Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Dear brothers and sisters,
This is a topic where many don't give importance. Most of us have dreams but these 'dreams' stay as thoughts because of lack of emotions and passion tied to our dream. DREAMS are basically our desired state or place that we want to be in future. It varies from material possession,happiness,health,corporate position..well it can be anything and everything. Its basically what you want. The one point I feel , which is always missing in DREAM BUILDING is the element of giving back to the society. Many have DREAMS but very few tie their DREAMs with the element of giving back to society and that's where things don't materialize as HOW its supposed to be. I think its very important for every human being in this world to have big dreams, if you don't you are basically under utilizing your capability. Its like having a FERRARI and driving it in 20km/hour...
Its doesn't make sense right!!!! 
  Most of us have dreams based on what we see,based on the fact that is imparted on us and based on advice from the experienced but lets rewind a little.How did people like Wright Brothers, Abraham Lincoln , Albert Einstein achieved or discovered the most innovative things in the history of mankind ? Did they refer to someone ? Definitely not..Did they Google it ? Definitely not..then how did they do it.
  In my my opinion, the underlying principle behind all these astonishing achievements are their BELIEVE system. They BELIEVED in their DREAM without a single doubt despite of all the failures that they went through. Its wasn't an easy ride but all of them had one thing in common which is their BELIEVE towards their DREAM.
  Next to their BELIEVE system is their DREAM itself. All these people which I mentioned above had a BIG DREAM which will give a massive impact to the society if its achieved. These DREAMS  were solely theirs, completely from within and not from someone else. These were the guys who lived hundreds of years back which they don't have technology to assist them. Its basically their 'thought' and the strong 'believe' towards their thoughts.
  So what I learn from this is, one can DREAM of anything under the sun as there is no limits for your dreams and goals. It does not matter where you are right now, all that matters is WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE. The only thing that limits your DREAMS is your own mind or your thought.You can achieve anything you want if you really believe in it, breath it, feel for it day in and out and decide clearly and specifically WHAT you want and the most important element is HOW you are going to contribute back to the society once you achieve your dreams. This sort of mind set will put you in the state of 'allowing' where the cosmic energy will guide you from within.You don't have to know the "HOW"..You just have to be specific in WHAT YOU WANT, the rest will be guided by the divine from within.These are just underlying principles which I understood so far, I guess there are more to it, if you dive into it....

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