Friday, February 8, 2013


We are so used to describe ourselves based on 
-What we have
-What we think we are
-What others think we are

This is basically influenced by the asset or things that we have such as the car we drive, the job that we do, the house we stay, the clothing brand that we wear and so on. There might be more influential factor but these are the main points which I feel the most common ones that influences our thinking pattern. The irony here is these factors are not permanent and they change according to time.These are merely because of our thinking pattern which influenced by our own 'ASSUMPTIONS'.For example today you might think that by driving a big car you will be respected and etc but tommorrow you might think completely the opposite.These are all merely "ASSUMPTIONS".Its pretty much the mind
game.You have to be the master.As Bhagawan Shri Sathya Sai Baba said,"Be the MASTERMIND".What you think is what you become so the main gimic here is to 'disconnect' from these thoughts of yours or rather assumption of yours and connect to the divinity within.The question here is HOW?I will address this in the coming chapters.

This is basically based on our thoughts of bringing our past experience in our current life and justify our future based on it.For example for those who had a very bad childhood,will some how have a sympathetic view of their ownself.This will lead to thoughts of being less deserving. So internally we decide in our mind that we dont deserve the best and we might have a strong emotion backing up this statement.So when you have a 'Thought' backed up with strong 'EMOTIONS',thats what you will attract.The Law of attraction materialises when
you have a THOUGHT & EMOTION tied to it.Another good example which I can think of is education.If you had bad exam results from your primary,secondary and college, more or less you will settle with a thought in mind that 'You are stupid' or 'You are not good in studies'.This is definately a wrong 'assumption' as there are many proven examples that did really bad in their school days and florish extremely well in their career. Some names to mention are SIR RICHARD BRANSON,STEVE JOB,BILL GATES and more.So again,WE ARE WHAT WE THINK so to make it simple why dont we just 'think good things' about ourselves.It makes  a whole lot of a difference.

This is also pretty much based on our own assumption. We spend alot of time living for others or living as how others wants us to live.We live our lives based on other peoples experience. As much as its good to learn from other peoples experience,
its always mind blowing to explore and experience new things based on our own 'Intuition' alone. We sometimes tend to pretend to be someone else..We want to become like 'X' person or we want succeed like 'Y'.We tend to "Go with the flow" based on what the group around us think and what they wants us to be.This for many instance may be against of own intuitions. Here is a story based on my own experiece.I use to mix with alot of youth. Almost 99 percent of them are all football fan.To get things even complicated all of them are MU fans. So just to be part of the trend and the group I choose a football team as my favourite team and started supporting team. This thing didn’t last long. After a while i just lost interest in the topic and later i will just avoid being part of the 'football' conversation. Although sometimes i feel abit lost and lonely, i really enjoyed those moments because I wasn't engaging myself in something which I don't
like. On the other hand, I'm really crazy about auto show or car modification. I will loose myself each time i go through the auto show magazine and sometimes if I see a modified car on the road, I will just admire the car till it goes off from my side.
Caution: Something not to be done while you are driving.

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