Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Goal setting : GPS method

Dear brothers and sisters, this is the most common and important topic addressed by most of the personal growth guru's such as John Assarof, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Vishen Lakiani and the "All time" guru Napolean Hills.
   So what is GOAL SETTING actual? Its your desired state.Its a place that you want to be in future, its something that you want to have or achieve, something better than what you are right now and this is solely based on your own justification.
  As for me, GOAL SETTING is an individual process and its a very 'personalise' act or decision.Its nothing to do with public, your past or your current status or anyone for the matter.Well you can be inspired by someone but end of the day YOU have to decide on what you want.It all boils down to one clear question..."What you want?" Napolean hill said this way back,"Whatever your mind can conceive it CAN be achieved" so basically there is no limit to what you want and what you can achieve.It all relies on your believe system.Its relies on how much you believe in yourself that one day you will achieve your goals.If you set a GOAL in a paper for 'namesake' and internally in your mind you tell yourself that this is 'not possible'...'I don't deserve it'....and etc its not going to work as the GOALS that you set and your heart has to be aligned.Basically the miss alignment between your heart and your goals simple reflects that you don't believe in your self that you will achieve your goal.If you yourself don't believe in your goals, who else will? 
   As per my understanding, the ground rule of achieving whatever you want is to have 'Your thought, word and deed' aligned.You don't say something, think something and do something else.
There are many methods to define goal setting.The simple method which I would like to propose is the GPS method.But before we go into the method, you have to believe that "Whatever your mind can conceive it can be achieved" as the source that created you, created me as well.

  Ok now, let me explain what is this "GPS" method. As all of you know GPS is a device to give you route directions.So when you want to get direction to certain area, what would you do? You will type the 'EXACT' address of your desired destination and once you press the button 'Get direction' the GPS will show you HOW to get to your desired destination through the nearest route possible. This only happens when you are "SPECIFIC" in where you want to go and type the exact address in the GPS. The key word here is specific.Assuming the address that you want to reach is 5, Love street, Passion Garden, 5000, Divine district, Malaysia.
Would you be able to get to your desired location if you only type 'Divine district' or 'Passion garden' or 'Love street'...? Definitely NOT because when you only type 'Passion Garden' the whole list of locations with the name of Passion Garden will appear.There might be hundreds of Passion garden in this world but you want to go to the Passion garden in Malaysia so the key word again is "Being specific"
So apply the same method here, when you are setting your goals for the year you have to be really 'specific' in what you want.Assuming your goal of this year to have extra money in your bank.If you write down your goal as "I WANT MONEY"most likely you will fall to the opposite direction of achieving your goal as your goal is very generic or 'high level'.The missing element here in the HOW MUCH MONEY YOU WANT...By WHICH BANK ACCOUNT and the most important thing is WHY you want the money and HOW MUCH you want to contribute back. Napolean hills said that, there is no such thing as 'Something for nothing'.You always must have the element of giving back to the society in all your desires.

  So as for the above example, the statement "I WANT MONEY" can be best translated to "Its 23.11.2015 today and I have RM 500,000 in my SAI bank account of which I will contribute RM 250,000 for charity namely feeding the poor and education fund for the poor
Well this is a little bit that I know in goal setting.

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