Thursday, June 6, 2013

What is GOING GREEN all about ?

Good Day to all of you..

Well , 5th June is World Environment Day so thought of writing something on the whole concept of Going Green.

As many of you are aware, this whole thing of "Going Green" has been there for the past couple of years, but I must say the European countries are way ahead Asia in this.

We have so many awareness campaign around, so many efforts and so many statistics and datas on how bad the situations are when comes to nature.We  know about the increasing carbon footprint we are creating,about the continues wastage that we are creating and countless trees that we are cutting down for our own selfishness and we are somehow comfortable with the fact that there is always 'someone','somewhere' who will do 'something' about it...

For the past couple of years, especially in Malaysia, we have seen a loud cry on Going Green and etc but many still see Going Green as a 'one off' event..i would like to re-emphasize that not all but still 'many' see Going Green as an event.These event based activities will help to create the awareness but without a proper 'continues' initiative, this 'Green heat'  created by an event will slowly die off.

As for me Going Green is not that complicated, its all about little effort that we take on an 'individual' basis 'DAILY' to save mother nature.Its all about being conscious of what we do...simple things like :

  • Switching off your lights when its not used (which I'm still struggling to improve)
  • Turn of the tap,when its not used
  • Throwing rubbish in the waste paper basket

There are more but i would like to pick on the above as those are the activities that we are involved directly on a daily basis.
Remember..'Every baby step counts'

Just by doing a Go Green campaign once a year is not going to help much.We have to ask ourselves ,
"What are we doing as an individual to save mother nature"

I think its high time for us to take individual responsibility on mother nature.

Remember one thing : Mother nature don't really need us..WE NEED MOTHER NATURE !

Going Green is all about "Changing our lifestyle", as I mentioned above, simple thing counts..
Being cautious about your actions
Use anything and everything MODERATELY
Take/consume only what you need
Think twice before wasting
Think of the tagline "REDUCE,REUSE & RECYCLE"
Car pool its possible or take public transport.
Don't use STYROFOAM...get reusable containers
and many more

All the above are not rocket science data's, its just 'BEHAVIORAL CHANGE'...All we need is the CHANGE in our mindset...

If you, as an individual practice 'simple green living' lifestyle, the people around you will watch you and slowly they will tend to follow you and this effect will multiply by itself.My simple policy is:
We have to CHANGE OURSELVES before changing others..It all starts from ourselves ! We sometimes focus to much on the outside rather than inside.So folks, please be mindful in what you do because "Every action has an 'Equal' reaction"

We have to be in a position to "feel" mother nature..& LOVE mother nature with all our heart..
LOVE is a beautiful feeling and emotion...
We have to start seeing & feel mother nature as our 'OWN MOTHER'
We have to start seeing & feel a plant as our "OWN CHILD"
Its makes whole lot of difference..

LOVE is all about 'FEELINGS & EMOTIONS' 
You have to express & experience it.....

I would like to highlight a beautiful fact about mother nature here..
All of us or at-least majority of us would love to live the life of ABUNDANCE..

So sometimes, in order to achieve all these, we tend to fall in a 'rat race' where nothing else is important than our achievements
We compete in everything.....
We want to be the best in everything..
We talk too much..we think too little
We feel too less and we listen too less
We are more engaged with our Mobiles, Tablets, I-pads than our loved ones who are right in front of us (which Im still improving)
We are busy updating Facebook status but we fail to give a smile or start a conversation with the people next to  us...

So now the question is, WHERE do you experience your "LIFE"
Some might say "We experience it in our hearts..soul"...ok can only experience all the happiness,health and wealth when your soul is still in your body right?
Meaning can only experience all the above when you are ALIVE that we are "ALIVE" where do we actually LIVE
We LIVE on the "EARTH" correct ??
So basically we experience LIFE on EARTH :-)
So if there is NO earth..there is NO WORLD..basically there is NOTHING
So "EARTH" is 'thy' MOTHER NATURE we are talking about here...
I can fairly say that only because of EARTH and the GRAVITY force through earth..we are happily experiencing everything..if not for gravity force..all of us will be floating !

So basically, MOTHER NATURE or EARTH has created a platform for US... HUMAN BEINGS to experience experience experience WEALTH and the list goes on..

Now my next question is WHERE IS THIS "EARTH" ?

Think...think carefully.......

Dear brothers & sisters,
We are actually STANDING ON 'THY' EARTH...
EARTH is actually UNDER OUR FEET !!! YES...This whole BIG MIGHTY EARTH is right under our feet !!!
MOTHER NATURE..who gives us everything is basically under our feet !!!
That shows HOW HUMBLE mother nature is..
That shows HOW GIVING mother nature is..
That shows HOW PATIENT mother nature is...

It might sound crazy....illogical but if you think carefully beyond your body will understand it...

So the question is 

Think about it guys and take 'small' 'simple' decision TODAY..Yes not tomorrow but this 'small' decision of yours will give a great impact to the society..later

BELOW are some links that could help you have better understanding on Going Green..Well,I just 'googled' it.. :-P

What ever information you ever need, is there..the question is "What are we doing with it?"


As per my opinion,we can overcome all the above issue IF WE USE THE RESOURCES all relies on  "INDIVIDUAL ACTION"..TO USE THE RESOURCES MODERATELY

INDIVIDUAL'S action > DISTRICT's transformation > STATE'S transformation > NATION's transformation...



Monday, May 13, 2013

How to change your life in 5 minutes

HI all,
Apologize for the long break as this month has been a hectic month.Well this topic of 'SELF APPRECIATION' is an important element of GRATITUDE
First and foremost, GRATITUDE is an important element and a powerful tool which can neutralize your emotions on a daily basis.I do it daily and it take less than 5 minutes.This 'GRATITUDE' exercise helps me to neutralize my thoughts and puts me in the state of 'flow' ,on a day to day basis.I would recommend all the readers to do this 'Gratitude' exercise, first thing in the morning before you start your day.Its important to not bring any luggage (thoughts) from yesterday so that you can go through your day which is 'today' peacefully and calmly.
Remember :
As per my experience, this 'GRATITUDE' exercise is very powerful because it puts you in a mode of thanking GOD for all that you have.It will some how align your thoughts to go within and identify every single thing that you are gifted with.By doing this, you will indirectly disconnect your thoughts from the issues that you are facing at the moment.So your emotions will be more in a 'Thanking' mode rather than 'Picking on issue' mode.This emotions will definitely have a huge influence on your day.
So now, what is SELF APPRECIATION compared to GRATITUDE.Well they are very similar BUT there is a little difference, which makes a huge impact on your emotions.As per my little knowledge, GRATITUDE is more of thanking GOD for whatever we have,it can be your wealth, your assets, your relationship, kids and etc.So its more of 'external' factors (than your own self) which makes you happy.
Based on my opinion, SELF APPRECIATION is more focused on yourself.This 'self appreciation' exercise can be part of your gratitude exercise daily but its more focused on yourself .This exercise creates a platform for you to think about your goodself.It can be can be the characteristics of yourself , it can be your physical appearance, it can be your good heart.It can be anything and everything but it has to be about yourself.
Every day,I will start my day with GRATITUDE exercise and it goes like this...
I will thank GOD for my family,my wife,my kids, my job,my car and the list goes on.Sometimes I will go more into details such as thanking GOD for my body, my legs,my heart which are functioning well.I don't stop there!!!I will also thank GOD for the thoughts that is appearing in my mind and thank him for giving me the heart to serve the society.At times when i get too excited, I will do crazy things such as thanking my legs for bringing me everywhere, thanking my eye for giving me vision and it goes on.So it doesn't actually have to be the things that you 'HAVE' but it can also be things that 'YOU ARE'

As crazy as it sounds..this exercise gives you a very deep connection to yourself and puts you in an "APPRECIATION" mode all the time.So when you appreciate your good self more, the whole energy around you changes and you will be guided to the path of positivity rather than negativity.
Simple example is:
You can always complain about your weight, your looks and etc but at the same time you can also thank GOD for the beautiful smile you have.I don't think anyone in this world looks bad when they smile :-)..

So its always an option....
an option to appreciate what you ARE and what you HAVE 
an option to keep worrying about all those things which you don't have..

Give it a thought guys, its just a 5 minutes exercise which can change your life

Monday, April 29, 2013

When is the right time to do CHARITY

As per my title, WHEN is the "right" time to do charity ???
Many people have different opinion on this.  Let me explain my opinion on this -  CHARITY
All of us know, CHARITY is basically contributing for a good cause. It can be a contribution in the form of money or service and this is to be done 'willingly'
Based on my opinion, the fundamental truth behind doing charity is for us to always appreciate on what we have in our lives and to also think about the underprivileged and help them.
Couple of years back, I was doing part time 'sales' job.Basically I earned some additional income based on the sales I made.But no matter how much I earned, it never was enough nor it gave me happiness.This is strange and I never understood it back then.
Well, this sales job was 10 years back, and after all these years, NOW I understand WHY was I stuck in that scenario.Well basically I was not enjoying what I was doing so internally I was not aligned with myself.Although I go out looking out for customer, with the best tools,without me realizing I sabotaged myself as I didn't believe in what I was doing and I was more focused on my bills and expenses so no matter how much of 'additional' income I had,I somehow attracted the equal amount of expenses in my life.As I mentioned earlier,the whole part of 'internalization' was not there.I always lived in a 'lack' mentality where I always focused 'what is NOT enough' rather than embracing or appreciating on what I have.I have mentioned about this in my previous blogs.
Now I would like to highlight one of the most important elements in life (at least for me) which we overlook most of the time.The element of "GIVING BACK TO SOCIETY" or "CHARITY"
During my salesman days, I was 'thought' to develop myself first before focusing on charity.Meaning is we have to focus on stabilizing our income first before giving it to the society.This is probably the 'old school' way of thinking but my question is, when will we actually 'meet' the stage of stabilizing our income.When we leave in a hut, we would have a desire to live in a single story terrace house. When we live in a terrace house, automatically we will have a 'face lift' in our desires, in this case,may be to live in a double story house and when we get to a double story house, we will want to live in a bungalow.Same goes to car, income,clothing and everything !!! The point here is, there is never an end to our desires and thats the fact. Lets admit it !!!
So when you have a bigger desire, your expense follows & this will increase your commitments.So basically when you are earning $100 a month, you will just probably eat bread for your meal but once your income hits $ 1000 a month, your whole lifestyle changes.You will no longer eat bread, you will eat a 'full course' meal with dessert ! This is lifestyle changes and its NORMAL.Now my question is , WHEN does the charity element comes in ?
As per the example above,although you are earning $1000 per month, you still have the same amount of commitment when you were earning $ 100 per month.Its just that you have an option to eat better meals right now because of your increase in income, so obviously you will enjoy it.
So the irony of we 'being stable' in life before doing charity will never work because as your income grow, your desires will grow and as your desires grow, your expenses will also grow. So this is a never ending story!!
My argument on this topic is, its EITHER NOW OR NEVER !!!!
Yes..its either you do CHARITY NOW OR YOU WILL NEVER DO IT.
Its all about your mindset ! If you are earning $ 100, practice giving at least $ 1 !! Try doing it and you will experience the joy of 'Giving'
We have to learn to 'UNLEARN' our old belief about charity or giving back to society..
If you google , most of the wealthiest people in the planet have donated huge amount of money to create a great impact to the society.Many of them have even formed organizations with a sole purpose of creating impact in peoples lives.Below are some of the examples of people who have it all but gives equal priority to give back to the society
Start NOW..Start SMALL..Cultivate the habit of GIVING...NOW so that once you grow in your carrier or business, you will GIVE the society effortlessly

Sai Ganeis
Youtube : type 'saigmission'
Skype : shree.ganeis
Contact : +60127105694

Monday, April 22, 2013


I started to ask this question when I was jobless 2 years back.As I have mentioned in my previous blog I used to watch a lot of inspirational videos during my jobless period.Basically You tube was my best friend and one of the videos which made me think and decide on my life directions is the video below
In the video above, Will Smith clearly mentioned that 'I wants to represent an IDEA....An IDEA to prove that anything is POSSIBLE..An IDEA to prove that you ACTUALLY can be whatever you want to be" Only after watching the video, I realize that I have missed something. Yes..I do have all my material goals listed in my vision board such as my goals of my dream car, my dream house , the amount of cash that I want to have in my bank and etc BUT I didn't have any goals on my personal characteristics. These things didn't cross my mind until I watched Will Smith's video. So I started to ask myself...What is it that I want to represent ? Its quite a deep question which made me think.All these while, all my goals were very external,more focused on material world.I was clear of being a good human being who contributes back to society but I never focused on detail the characteristic which I want to represent.
As a human being,from the initial days, we are somehow programmed TO BE in certain way, TO THINK in certain way,to rely on certain people, to follow the path that has been created by someone else.Although this sounds like a smart move I strongly feel that this somehow creates a lot of limitation in the way we think and perceive things.This practice leads us to the path of 'following' someone or something that has been created rather than allowing us to think and creating something new.The irony here is most of the time we seek inspiration from outside.We are so used to admire someone else’s success and along the way, we will tend to follow,duplicate or emulate their methods of being successful. I guess there is no harm following the footstep of a successful person but if we if explore in detail, most of these successful people paved their path toward success by purely following their intuition.May be in the initial stage you might need some guide or assistance but once you have identified your inner calling ,the divine providence and the divine energy will guide you.
As for me I asked a few question to myself,couple of years back.
The first question I asked myself is:
I mean WHAT are the characteristic I want to be known for ???
The second question I asked myself is:
This is more of identify your 'CALLING'..Something that you LOVE doing,something that you are passionate about and something that you wish to spread it to the entire world.
So these questions made me think deeply and it came out very clear from within on WHAT I WANT TO REPRESENT ? 
There are 3 CHARACTERISTIC which I want to represent and those are : 
I want to represent HOPE
HOPE that something different 'CAN' happen compared to the 'norm' or the current scenario...
I want to represent CHANGE
I want to be tool of GOD to make the impossible,POSSIBLE.
I want to inspire the young generation that you can achieve whatever you want IF you DECIDE on it.
I want to be an example or a role model for youth and make them realize that ANYONE AND EVERYONE can make it in life IF they go within and understand clearly on their 'Calling'
I want to represent REVOLUTION
I want everyone to understand that every single human being in this world can CREATE anything they want, if they BELIEVE in themselves and BELIEVE in whatever they are pursuing.
I want everyone to understand that GOD lives in them and they are no different than the icon or role model that they always look upon.
I want everyone to become a DREAMER..DREAM BIG AND GIVE EVEN BIGGER to the society
I want everyone to realize that they 'ARE' the divine creation of the GOD & they ARE the ones who is going to touch million of life..not someone else but them..
So second to the above question is HOW DO I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY..
When thought about it deeply , I realize that I have a great passion and connection towards mother nature.I see Mother nature as MY MOTHER.I feel for nature as much as I feel for my fellow friend and family members.And something inside me, very loud and clear says that its my duty to go out there to the world to CREATE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS AND RAISE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS
The above internalization happened 2 years back and ever since, I didn't looked back nor I regretted even for a second.
So dear brothers and sisters, I have REALIZED and UNDERSTOOD my calling...
Ask these questions to YOURSELF and you will definitely get the answer from within...

Sai Ganeis
Youtube : type 'saigmission'
Skype : shree.ganeis
Contact : +60127105694

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses.Well those are scientific terms.To put it in a normal sentence, I would describe DNA as an element which contain the characteristic of the source from where is came.So as a child, we would have our parents DNA embedded in us which influences our physical appearance ,our characteristic and etc.
But as for me, putting the blame on our DNA for what we are right now is a mere excuse.For example, if your parents have diabetes,there are high possibilities for you to get diabetes BUT it doesn't mean that you WILL have diabetes.Its a mere assumption or possibilities but its not a 'FACT' yet.Many times we just except what the so called 'expert' says without even thinking or even questioning it.In this case of parents having diabetes,we don't have to actually settle with the mind set that , one day we WILL get diabetes.Instead of that,we can see it in a positive way by taking it as a precaution. We have the option to 'change' our lifestyle and change the way we think.We have an option to choose a healthy lifestyle with a healthy eating habit.So basically its about changing your mindset and putting your thoughts on the positive side of every scenario.You have to believe and have HOPE that things will be better and there are always possibilities of have a "happy ending"
We are so programmed to always except "SAD Endings" as a fact or reality but in actual reality it doesn't have to be that way.
Assuming your are born in a poor family.Your parents, grandparents and your family members are all poor.So basically you have a "POOR" DNA in you right,because of your parent.Does it mean that you have to end up being poor ? Definitely not !!! You will only end up poor if you BELIEVE you are poor and if you BELIEVE you are going to end up poor.Again its basically YOUR THOUGHTS & YOUR BELIEVE SYSTEM.
2 role models for you to look up in "YOUTUBE" are

So guys, in summary, don't put the blame on your DNA as it got nothing to do with WHAT you are going to be in future.Its all in the MIND,THOUGHTS & BELIEVE SYSTEM

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

HOW to MEDITATE at your office

I know..after reading the title, you might be wondering..."Is it possible???? "
Trust me on this guys, I will bring you through...but again, whatever I'm sharing is purely based on my experience so you try it out first and see what works best for you..
First of all lets see WHY meditation is important ? 
If you ask me,MEDITATION is a beautiful experience where you drop all your thoughts and go into a different world.Its an experience that you can't describe in words.You have to feel it and experience it.I will go in detail on HOW to do it later, but first,allow me to address WHY you need meditation.A simple example...
What will happen if you don't take shower for few days ? You will stink, you will feel uneasy,smelly,dirty and you definitely won't be in your best form, no matter how much of perfume you use. So to keep your body clean, you have to take bath everyday.That's the same concept you should use for your mind.Based on some research (as per below link) our mind has close to 50,000 thoughts DAILY !!!! Ya, its 50,000 thoughts !!! And only you as an individual will know how many of them are positive and negative thoughts.So if your mind if full of positive thoughts,its awesome but what if its full of negative thought.Thought which lead you to worries, sadness,uncertainty,anger,hatred and etc.How are we going to cleanse these thoughts ?We are talking about 50,000 thoughts DAILY,not weekly or monthly !
So if your mind is clogged with negative thoughts today, and you don't cleanse it or neutralize it today,there is huge possibility for you to bring these thoughts to the next day, same as if you don't shower today, you will bring along your sweaty,sticky feeling to the next day.And if you don't shower for few days, its makes thing worse rite, you will stink even worse, so same goes to our mind, if we don't cleanse our thoughts on a daily basis, there are huge possibilities for us to accumulate all our negative thoughts day after day.
I hope the little example above have made you understand on WHY we need to meditate on a daily basis...
HOW do you do it at OFFICE
Do you think its possible ??? Yes of course it is...Let me share my experience. But guys, as crazy as it may sound...please try it out first before jumping into conclusion.My main objective here is to bring you to a mindset which allows you to see things on the positive side,from the inside out or in another words, to make sure you are in a state of "flow" where you don't just utter positive things mechanically but really feel and believe it.So now coming back to the point.. HOW TO MEDITATE IN YOUR OFFICE
Firstly let me share my experience with you.Well, basically I'm an early bird,I leave to work very early in the morning.I leave at 6.30 am and I will be in my office building by 7.10 am.To tell you the truth, I'm not an early bird by chance but by CHOICE.I have to wake up early and leave early to office as the traffic at my place is really bad.If I leave early to work (6.30am ), I will reach my office within 30 to 40 minutes but if I leave 15 minutes later,which is 6.45am, it will take me at least 1 hour or more to reach my office so.... you see the difference..?
I have  been doing this for the past 1 year and I never regretted.The only difficult part is to wake up early but once you are use to it, its never a problem.I guess the first thing you should do is stop saying,"I can't wake up early" and etc as the more you say it , the more you send the message to your subconscious mind that you CAN'T wake up early.The reason I suggest all of you to leave early to work is because if you start your day early, you won't get stuck in the traffic jam and secondly you won't have the 'rush' factor influencing your mind in the beginning of the day itself.I'm not sure how bad is the traffic in your area but whether the traffic is bad or not, leaving early and arriving early at your work place always gives you the 'valuable' extra time for you to go within and start your day with the proper positive mindset.If you start your day with a "rush factor" in your mind, you bring it with you all day long.
If you are driving to work like me, once you reach your office car park,DON'T immediately get down from your car.Basically if you want to calm down your thoughts, relax and internalize, you need a quiet place just for yourself and I believe, YOUR CAR is the BEST place for this.Trust me on this as it really works for me.As I mentioned earlier, I  reach at my office building at 7.10am. So once I'm there, I will sit in my car comfortably and I will meditate.Yes..I meditate in my CAR !!! A place where no one will disturb you and I propose the same to all of you.Just try it out and give me your feedback.NO harm trying right ?
HOW to meditate
For a start, I would propose for you guys to allocate at least 5 minutes in the morning.Below are the 'Step by step' method which I would recommend but again I'm doing the recommendation based on my experience so I would still suggest you guys to try it out before jumping into conclusion.
1) Sit comfortably in a quite place
2) Take a deep breath , as deep as possible.
3) Then exhale out slowly.
4) Your focus should be your "BREATH"
5) Do it continuously and you will realize that the thoughts in your mind will fade away slowly.
6) Its definitely not easy in the first 2 rounds as you will have a lot of thoughts coming in your mind.
7) Try your level best not to participate in the thoughts which is running in your mind.Its just like in the movies, you will have  lots of scenes running in your mind but don't be part of the scene,by participating in it mentally.
8) The moment your realize you have thoughts, immediately try to divert your mind by focusing on your breath.
9) Just keep doing it for at least for 3 continues days and you will see the difference.
The irony here is, you have to start somewhere and STOP giving excuses.
BREATHING is a system which is created by GOD ALMIGHTY and all I'm suggesting here is to go with flow of the creator.
Remember..just focus on your BREATH.
If you are using public transport to work,I have another crazy suggestion for you.This is something which I do it my self.Sometimes it will be too stressful in the office and I just have to find a place to be alone.Guess what, the best place for me, to calm down my thoughts, in the office is my office WASH ROOM...
Yes its MY OFFICE WASHROOM!!!!!! As crazy as it sounds, but think carefully, this is the only place where no one will disturb you or question you.Go in there,shut the door and just do your breathing exercise.Immediately it will give you a calming effect and put you in a neutral mindset.
As your are reading, your 'intelligent & intellectual' mind will say "Won't it be smelly in the wash room ??" I have mentioned couple of times, please try it out first..
Remember, our main purpose is to clear the thoughts in our mind so that we can go through the day with a clear and calm mindset.It doesn't matter whether you meditate, in your car or office washroom, all that matters is for you to have a moment for yourself and trust me, no one will notice this !!!! Its all about internal effect....

In summary, nothing is IMpossible..
Just decide and do it..